Bounding Box Filter PluginΒΆ

The Bounding Box Filter plugin uses a data point containing bounding box(es) of the format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] to either crop out the defined region(s) of an image data point or to draw the defined region(s) onto the image data point. Typically this bounding box information would be the output of an object detection ML model inference, such as the ML Inference Filter plugin.

It provides the following configuration options:


  • Enabled:

    Enable or disable the plugin.

  • Image Data Point:

    Specify the data point that contains the image to apply the bounding box operations to.

  • Forward Original Image:

    If set to false, the original image will be stripped from the readings, leaving only the bounding box image(s).

  • Bounding Box Data Point:

    Data point containing the bounding box data that will be applied to the image. Typically this bounding box information would be the output of an object detection ML model inference, such as the ML Inference Filter plugin.

  • Bounding Box Operation:

    Specifies whether the bounding boxes should be cropped or drawn onto the original image. Options: Crop Bounding Boxes, Draw Bounding Boxes.