CC2650 SensorTagΒΆ

The flir-south-cc2650 is a plugin that connects using Bluetooth to a Texas Instruments CC2650 SensorTag. The SensorTag offers 10 sensors within a small, low powered package which may be read by this plugin and ingested into FLIR Bridge. These sensors include;
ambient light
object temperature
digital microphone
The sensor requires that you have a Bluetooth low energy adapter available that supports at least BLE 4.0.
To create a south service with the CC2650 SensorTag
Click on South in the left hand menu bar
Select cc2650 from the plugin list
Name your service and click Next
Configure the plugin
Bluetooth Address: The Bluetooth MAC address of the device
Asset Name Prefix: A prefix to add to the asset name
Shutdown Threshold: The time in seconds allowed for a shutdown operation to complete
Connection Timeout: The Bluetooth connection timeout to use when attempting to connect to the device
Temperature Sensor: A toggle to include the temperature data in the data ingested
Temperature Sensor Name: The data point name to assign the temperature data
Luminance Sensor: Toggle to control the inclusion of the ambient light data
Luminance Sensor Name: The data point name to use for the luminance data
Humidity Sensor: A toggle to include the humidity data
Humidity Sensor Name: The data point name to use for the humidity data
Pressure Sensor: A toggle to control the inclusion of pressure data
Pressure Sensor Name: The name to be used for the data point that will contain the atmospheric pressure data
Movement Sensor: A toggle that controls the inclusion of movement data gathered from the gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer
Gyroscope Sensor Name: The data point name to use for the gyroscope data
Accelerometer Sensor Name: The name of the data point that will record the accelerometer data
Magnetometer Sensor Name: The name to use for the magnetometer data
Battery Data: A toggle to control inclusion of the state of charge of the battery
Battery Sensor Name: The data point name for the battery charge percentage
Click Next
Enable the service and click on Done